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  • Writer's pictureLilla Schottner

Think Globally, Act Locally!

Updated: Feb 1, 2023

I created this poster for Earth Day 2020 at the University of the District of Columbia, The College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability and Environmental Science (CAUSES).

I won the first prize in the category of Advocacy.

Rock Creek Park is in Washington, D.C., where I spend most of my free time with my two beautiful dogs. It saddens me to see plastic pollution floating down the river, especially after a big rainstorm. I am also a volunteer at the park; I often pick up plastic waste from the river ( bottles, cups, balls, plastic toys, and so on...).

This plastic waste then pollutes the Chesapeake Bay area and the Atlantic Ocean while harming marine life, such as whales, sharks, and sea turtles, and killing millions of birds yearly.

Humanity must Think Globally and Act Locally! Let's reduce our single-use plastic waste!

Poster by Lilla Schottner

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